Saturday, April 11, 2015 started as ordinary as any weekend. Little did we know that our hearts would be stolen that day. We live in Carmi, Il and had decided to come over to the Evansville Home Show. We were delighted to learn that the K9 Crew and Frizbee Dogs were performing that afternoon. ITV and other no-kill rescues were up stairs and had several “babies” that needed a family. We were not looking for a dog, we had a two year old boarder collie/ lab (Borador) that was also a rescue. We also lost Kilo the Wonder Dog the year before. He was also a rescue, Shepard/Rottie mix , that was 14. We had taken it very hard when he crossed the rainbow bridge. As we were leaving the area, we saw this little black and white mix that looked so much like our Chance. Immediately, we knew she was meant for our family. Sadly, baby girl ,Dixie, had just received treatment for heart worms and we had to wait to take her home. Chance was a little standoffish at first but within a few days, they became fast friends. She is the sweetest dog, loves cuddles, and is a bed hog. Like all furbaby parents, we have given her many nicknames. Dixie had this cute habit of sitting and then wiggling her butt and wagging her tail while scooting up to you to be loved. Thus the moniker,Dixie Doodles, was born. These two bring us so much joy and comfort every single day. I don’t know what we would do without them. Thanks ITV for all the work you do to save these babies. Janet and Randy Hamblin