When Jack died, last year, I was heartbroken. For 12 years, he was my best friend. When he died, there was a void in our house. I felt it, my wife and kids felt it, and our animals felt it. Rey took it especially hard. She wouldn’t eat for 3 days. She would just lay next to his bed, never in it. She had lost her best friend. I debated on getting another dog. 2 weeks later, I saw a post by ITV with Prince in it. He reminded me so much of Jack. I scrolled past, but he was still on my mimd for days. I finally setup and appointment to meet him. We took Rey and they took to eachother, almost instantly. I was warned by staff that he had been part of a hoardig case, and was afraid of EVERYTHING…literally. I went ahead and got him. I couldn’t resist the pouty boxer lip. We took him home, and he immediately ran into Rey’s cage. She barked at him, but let him stay. We got him his own. He had been kept in one for so long, he considered it his only safe space. He didn’t come out of his cage for almost 2 months, except to go out. Rey would try to get him to play, but he wouldn’t have any of it. Finally, one day, he came out to sniff a little. The next day, he came out and grabbed one of Rey’s toys. He would always go back in. Another day, I was taking a shower and heard a bunch of barking. I came out to find them playing. Everyday, he’d play more and more. He even started jumpong up on the couch with my wife. Then he actually let her pet him. Everyday, when I come home, I take him out. When I take Rey out, he waits by the kitchen for her to come back in. He immediately hits the “play stance” and his tail wags. Then they run around and play. They are best buddies, now. They play together and they lounge together. She is very protective of him, as well. They’re like brother and sister. He stills lays on the couch next to my wife when she’s home, but he still wants no part of me. We’ve had him almost a year, but there is no telling how long he was unsocialized and possibly abused. It will take time. I continue to show hom love and patience in hopes that he will come around, one day. He may still have his issues, but he is home and he is loved! Thanks ITV