Morty’s name was initially Remy. When we first fostered him, we were given full understanding that he was a bit of a disaster—petrified of men and scared of anyone that knocked at the door. We understood that he wouldn’t easily give trust and affection, but It Takes A Village knew instinctively that he was the right fit for us–they saw a future we weren’t sure of at all. We decided to foster instead of adopt. The joke was on us, though. We didn’t stand a chance. We fell in love with our little old man and adopted him within a week. He was just what was missing in our lives. With time and practice, Morty has blossomed from a nervous grump into an overly-affectionate goofball. He still barks at the mailman and there are struggles with strangers, but he is far from the shy dog that we first chose in the shelter. We initially thought he would never learn to play with toys. Now, a portion of our budget goes solely to the rubber bones that he enjoys destroying (which tickles us pink btw). We’re so thankful for the opportunity to change the life of a sweet dog who needed consistency and TLC. If ever we think that Morty needs a friend, It Takes A Village will be the first and only place we’ll go. Thank you for giving us our best friend! We love him so much and can’t imagine a life without him.