In 2018 my girl friend went to get her eyebrows done but little did I know she would come back with a tiny puppy that we were going to “foster”. I instantly knew we were going to be foster fails because just like her I would take in every dog if I had the chance! Fast forward to now and we have our BBD (big black dog) Mickey! He is one of three in our dog pack, loves to watch tv, can shred a toy in 3 mins, very talkative and loves his mom more then me lol. Mickey’s journey has not been easy from being a litter dropped off in a storage bin to being diagnosed with aggression! He requires medication, sees a specialist, and has a daily routine to keep him from having an episode. However we have never stopped loving him, we have worked harder as a family for his needs, and we could not see our lives without him! Thank you ITAV!!